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TOC Europe 2024 - Stand Plan Inspection & Better Stand Reporting Fee

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Mandatory for all 'Space Only' stand holders at the show. This covers the cost of an independent safety review of your stand build and the sustainability inspection outlined in the manual.

The cost for this service is inclusive of the following two fees:

  • Stand Plan Inspection Fee - A discounted rate of £175 +VAT for the SPI Fee is available until 26th April 2024. After this date, the full rate of £300 +VAT will be charged, + the below Sustainability Audit Fee.
  • Sustainability Reporting Fee (Better Stands) - the cost for the Sustainability Reporting Fee is £85 +VAT, this is included within the cost displayed. Each Space Only Stand will be subject to an onsite Better Stands inspection during the Build Up, Show Open & Dismantling phase, along with the pre-site information submitted during the document submission process.

Mandatory for all 'Space Only' stand holders at the show. This covers the cost of an independent safety review of your stand build.

Stand Plan Inspections are required by the Organisers, Venue and Local Inspecting Authority for this event. At AbraxysGlobal we are required to perform checks for conformity on the likely structural integrity, layout and materials used to construct your stand, as well other factors.

Once your stand meets the Legal and Event regulations you will be issued with a 'Permission to Commence Build' certificate, which allows you to start building the stand at the event. Please note that on-site inspections will take place to ensure that the structure is as submitted. Please note that the SPI fee must be paid before a Permission to Commence Build Certificate can be issued and you will not be allowed to start build up unless the fee has been paid and plans are at Permission to Commence Build stage.

From 01 January 2021 the UK has left the EU VAT regime however currently reverse charge rules will still apply where the sale relates to a service. This means that countries within EU are not charged UK VAT when their VAT number is included on their online payment for all stand audit fees.

Countries outside of UK and EU are also not charged UK VAT as they are outside the scope of UK VAT.

No refunds issued where the stand plan inspection work has commenced. Full Terms and Conditions available: Click here to view.

TOC Europe 2024 - Stand Plan Inspection & Better Stand Reporting Fee
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